– Root pack sd-card (date 18 April 2018)
\\ Root SD-Card “Download“ (MENU 2.6 all c64sd & commodore machines)
LOAD"MENU",8 (64) LOAD"MENUVIC",8 (VIC) LOAD"MENU264",8 (264)
- – C=64 pack download All for your commodore 64
- – C=vic20 pack download All for your commodore VIC 20
- – C=128 pack download All for your commodore C128
- – C=264 pack download All for your commodore C16/C116/PLUS4
- – C=pet pack download Taps for your Pet (control Princess Ultra via BT)
Files Converted/Sorted ad hoc to be browsed on C64SD V4. A real visual experience with screenshots & Gameinfo add on for Princess BT Remote Control application. NB: packs are compatible with all Princess versions (via CBM-FileBrowser)note: copy all the files inside “COPY ALL FILES TO ROOT SD” directory of the pack “Root SD-Card” to the root of your SD card then expand the pack(s) you’re interested in and copy their directory again to the root directory of your SD Card. For C=Link Packs copy their content to the Gameinfo directory located inside the installation directory of the C=Link application |
GAMEBASE COLLECTION download adapted by Hawui1/ Manosoft
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C64 CASSETTE COLLECTION download adapted by Manosoft/Sovox/Zonta

- Hit Parade, Game 2000,Super Game 2000
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- Special Program
- Tutto c64
- I Mignifici 5&7
- Go Games
- Super C64/128
- Special C64
- Special Games C64/C128
- New Games C64/C128
- Adventure In Time
- Amico Bit
- Formula 64
- Turbo Games Gusto Lungo
- War Games
- International Games
- Logica 2000
- Poke
- Special Playgames
- New Special Playgames
- Linguaggio Macchina
- Top Playgames
- Nova Games
- Sport Games
- Com 64
- Open Games
- Super G
- Play On Tape Nuova Serie
- Adventure 64
- I Magnifici 10 (Supplementi Sipe)
- Commodore Games 64 (Supplementi Sipe)
- I Super 10 (Supplementi Sipe)
- Mundial (Supplementi Sipe)
- Run/Stop The 64 Magic Games (Supplementi Sipe)
- I Gialli Commodore
- Conoscere Il Computer Direttamente Dal Computer
- Computing Videoteca Nuova Serie
- Top 100
- Big 100 (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Coin Up (Supplementi Edigamma)
- 100 Games (Supplementi Edigamma)
- 100 Games 90 (Supplementi Edigamma)
- 30 Fantastici Games (Supplementi Edigamma)
- 30 Games Esclusivi (Supplementi Edigamma)
- 30 Speciali Video Games (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Commodore Plus (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Goal 90 (Supplementi Edigamma)
- I Super 30 (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Il Meglio Del C64 (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Magic C64 (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Maxi Commodore (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Mega Collection (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Mega Selection (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Raccolta Extra (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Rombo Games (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Special C=64 (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Speciale Raccolta (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Speciale Sport (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Speciale Sport (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Specialissimo (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Super Top (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Super Top 30 (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Super Top Collection (Supplementi Edigamma)
- The Best Games (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Top (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Top 30 (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Top 100 (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Ultragames (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Vite Infinite (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Peek
- Settimana Games
- Alga Soft (1987)
- Alga Soft (1988)
- Full Games
- Game 2000 Nuova Serie
- Game 2000 Nuova Serie
- Full Games
- Vite Infinite (Supplementi Edigamma)
- Peek
- Settimana Games
- Alga Soft (1987)
- Alga Soft (1988)
- Byte Games
- Explorer
- Next Strategy
- Viking
- Epic 3000
- Dream
- Trainer Games
- Erotic Games (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- Motor Show (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- Rambo Look (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- Squinzie, Sfitinzie & Paninari (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- I Giochi di Società (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- Olympic Games (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- Formula 1 (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- Giochi D’inverno (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- Simulatori di Volo (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- Simulatori di Volo 2 (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- Simulatori di Volo 3 (Supplementi Logica 2000)
- Draw Games
- 7 Note Bit
- A Scuola Di Scacchi
- Computer Set
- Jackson Soft Collection
- Jackson Soft Oro
- Silver Games
- Sport Games Nuova Serie
- Tutto Computer Games
- Video Basic C64
- Videoteca Computer 64 (EV) Editoriale Video
- Run Games
- Speciale Sport (Supplementi Fermont)
- Speciale Combat (Supplementi Fermont)
- Tutto il Calcio (Supplementi Fermont)
- Tutto CBM64 8 videogames (Supplementi Fermont)
- Tutto CBM64 10 videogames (Supplementi Fermont)
- Giochi Invernali (Supplementi Fermont)
- Super Space (Supplementi Fermont)
- Videoteca Computer (L2) Logica 2000 Editore
- Prima Visione
- Best Games
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- Commodore Club 64
VIC CASSETTE COLLECTION download adapted by Manosoft/Sovox

- Peek
- Program
- Playgames
- Play On Tape Computer VIC20
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- Linguaggio Macchina VIC20/C16 Lato Vic20
- Conoscere Il Computer Direttamente Dal Computer
- Video Basic VIC20
- Idea Computer
- Supplementi Pubblirome/Edigamma
264 CASSETTE COLLECTION download adapted by Manosoft/Sovox

- C16/msx
- Go Games
- Linguaggio Macchina VIC20/C16 Lato C16
- Byte Games
- Jackson Soft Collection
- Computer Set
- Video Basic C16
- Supplementi C16
- Supplementi Pubblirome/Edigamma
Princess sd-card 32gb V5.2 Jun 2018

This image has been created to fully exploit the C64SD Princess cards features, including Ultra version (all C=Link packs) . The image can be burned on an SDCard that is at least 32GB in size (it’s advisable to use at least a Class 10 SDCard) Image contains a menu to manage the Princess card and the files that the it can handle. Prg,p00,d64,d81,tap all the material is the result of in-deep searches in the Internet All organized and structured with a LOT of patience Note: The SDCard obtained burning this image is compatible also with other Boards such as other sd2iec, 1541U2, uiec etc.
Questa immagine e’ stata creata per sfruttare al massimo la c64sd Princess cards utilizzabile su una sd card 32 gb (consigliata almeno una classe 10) Contiene un menu per gestire la C64sd al massimo, C=Links Packs e file compatibili con essa prg,p00,d64,d81,tap Il materiale e’ frutto di ricerche approfondite in rete e molta pazienza per organizzare il tutto!! Note: L’utilizzo di questa scheda e’ compatibile con altre board (sd2iec/1541U2/uiec/ecc..)
– Princess BT Remote Control v1.7.11 download changelog (Only for Princess Ultra) (date 16 Feb 2018)
Per utilizzare questo upgrade software V1.7.11 è obbligatorio che il Firmware sulla scheda C64SD Princess V4 ULTRA sia il
To use this new software V1.7.11 it’s mandatory to update BOTH the Firmware on the C64SD Princess V4 ULTRA to
Thx to C=LINK module installed on C64sd V4, you can manage remotely your Princess Ultra: Browse sd card content , Launch files and Execute commands, Reset C64\VIC20 etc. Application works on Windows systems (XP or better, more O/S support to come) via Bluetooh and is localized in Italian and English languages (more to come) |
- IDXGen 1.0 download by Hawui1 (date 05 April 2020)
- Tap Manager 1.7.1 download by Hawui1 (date 15 Sept 2020)
Correct selection method for split or create indexer files D64 & IDX
TAP Manager allows to:
– split/merge TAP files,
– to create index D64 files or IDX (Princess / Ultimate 64) for the TAP so that is possible with C64SD to jump to any of the programs contained in a TAP compilation instantly
– to change the name displayed when CBM computer LOADS the programs on tape (the one displayed as: FOUND XXX…)
The program has been created to ease the management of the TAP files created with C64SD Princess card but it works with any working TAP file.
The program TAP Manager is distributed as DONATIONWARE so it can be used free of charge but the Author retains full Copyright on it and therefore it cannot be sold in any form or reverse engineered, no parts of it can be used in other programs as well.
In case the End User is using the program regularly and he feels it is deserved a donation can be left at PayPal address
TAP Manager permette di:
– Unire/Separare i programmi contenuti nei files in formato TAP.
– creare files D64 di indice o files IDX (Princess / Ultimate64) per i TAP in modo che sia possibile, con la C64SD, di caricare uno qualsiasi dei programmi contenuti in un file TAP con diversi programmi senza dover caricare tutti i programmi precedenti.
– Di cambiare il nome del programma che viene visualizzato quando il computer Commodore trova il programma su nastro (quello visualizzato al FOUND XXX..)
Il programma è stato creato per facilitare la gestione dei files TAP con la scheda C64SD Princess ma funziona con qualsiasi TAP file. Il programma TAP manager è distribuito come DONATIONWARE quindi può essere utilizzato senza restrizioni ma l’Autore si riserva su di esso tutti i diritti di Copyright. Non è quindi possibile vendere il programma in nessuna forma e ne sono altresì vietati il reverse engineering e la possibilità di usare parti di esso in altri programmi.
Nel caso l’utente del programma TAP manager lo utilizzi regolarmente, se lo ritiene opportuno, è incoraggiato a lasciare una donazione all’indirizzo PayPal
- C64SD V4 PRINCESS ULTRA – Quick Start <ITA-ENG> by Hawui1
- C64SD V3 PRINCESS & (FLC) – Full Manual 2.7 <ITA > < ENG > by Hawui1
- C64SD V3 PRINCESS FLC – Quick Start <ITA > < ENG > by Manosoft
- C64SD V3 PRINCESS – Quick Start <ITA > < ENG > by Manosoft
- JETGRAB – Quick Start <ITA > < ENG > by Hawui1
- ITS Module for C64SD V2 Infinity <ITA